
Adopt a Nebbiolo vine plant

25.00 IVA Inclusa

#adopt a vine plant

For you a 10% discount up to a value of € 100.00 on the purchase of Fontechiara wines and products of your choice.


Reserved advantages:

  • You will receive a personalized bookmark at home with the title of “Honorary Winemaker of the Fontechiara Winery” for the current year to prove your adoption.
  • The information sheet concerning the cultivation techniques used and a specification of Nebbiolo grape, its characteristics and peculiarities.
  • An image of the “personalized plate with your engraved name” that we will hang up on your adopted row
  • A 10% discount up to a maximum value of € 100.00 on Fontechiara products of your choice.
  • Periodically you will receive photos and videos of the different stages of cultivation, care and growth of your plant: fertilization, pruning, mowing of the grass, bunches selection and harvest.


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